Important Aspects to Know When You File for Bankruptcy
However simple it may be to get some loans from a bank or any other lender, the truth is that certain conditions may make you find it very hard to pay back the debt. One area of concern once you realize you are bot able to settle all the debts is the next step that is best for you. Even though bankruptcy is never a nice topic for most business and people, it is already with us and the best we can do is to enlighten you on the right step to take should you be a victim. You should have it from the beginning that bankruptcy is a legal process and all the proceedings are held in coulearn, you will get to learn more about some key things that you need to know about bankruptcy.
One of the most basic thing that you need to know about is the process and whatever happens in court. Those who play the role of making the decision are the judge and the trustee who is hired for the case. The decision on whether you are eligible for bankruptcy is made after both the judge and the trustee have reviewed information to declare you bankrupt or not.
Another important point for you to note is the fact that we have very many types of bankruptcy. Among the various types of bankruptcy is chapter 11, chapter 12 and chapter 13 whereas chapter 7 is the most common one. You should also know that chapter 12 is occupation-based occupation-based as explained on this page. As you view here now, you will also discover more than chapter 7 forgives a lot of debts that have no collateral and it also incurs the risk of selling some of the important property that you may own to pay part of the debt.
You should always consider this task demanding when it comes to the time as well as expenses. You should always seek to meet the credit counselor for bankruptcy and debt and at the same time assemble all the information that may be necessary for you. You should also be at the frontline to show the court that you have made the best effort you could in an attempt to fix the situation.
You also need to know that normally there are plans to have a look at your financial situation as arranged by the court. This is done by the court trustee, the lawyer and the creditor. You should, however, have it that the process takes several days or even months and in some cases could go as long as 6 months. With the tips above, you will know all things that are important to you before you file for bankruptcy.