Simple Office Routines to Relieve Stress
Working in an office can turn our health into a living hell if we are not careful, we spend hours and hours sitting and we rarely create time for physical activities even simple ones like stretching over the eight hours or so we spend in the office. Several people who work in office environment claim lack of enough time is the reason they do not engage in physical exercises, but the reality is they lack proper time management, work will never end all is required is good time management and dedication and if we do not become master of our body then we will be a slave to job and health. Simple office workouts can go a long way in relieving you from anxiety make you focused and feel energized which can contribute to a good and productive day see this website for more. This article highlights some of these office exercises so you can try them.
One of the best, simple yet effective exercise you can do in the office to relieve stress is breathing control, it is worth noting that when we are stressed our breathing rhythm significantly changes and it can contribute to increased anxiety, therefore, learning how to control our breathing lowers tension, to control your breathing when you feel under pressure, place your feet flat on the floor and seat straight on the chair, do not lean back, the take an extended exhale for about three counts, then followed by extended inhale again do three counts, the intention is to clear all air in the lungs and take in as much as possible while controlling the rhythm, do this 4-5 times and you should feel relaxed once you finish use this homepage to learn more.
It is recommended you spend at least 5-10 minutes away from the screen of your computers, TVs, or tablets every day while in office, this is because they have been associated with a computer vision syndrome, a condition that has been linked to increased eyes and neck strains, anxiety, depression, and nausea, and it develops from spending too much time staring on screens, therefore, take a few minutes away from these electronics and take a walk, stretch, chat with your colleagues, or make yourself a coffee you can read more now on this website.
Another way to relieve stress while in the office is to watch an amusing video or play a fun game, good laughter can lower your anxiety because it makes the body produce the feel-good hormones that lower heart rates, optimize blood circulation in the body, and relax your brain making you feel happy, relieved and rejuvenated.Those are some stress-relieving exercises you can do in office.